Centrotherm SiTec GmbH是一家全球顶尖的多晶硅技术供应商,上周庆祝其同中国客户陕西天宏硅业有限公司(STSIC)在首次多晶硅生产设备扩产中的合作取得成功。这家国有公司,总部在陕西省,之前在验收书上(所谓的最终验收测试FAT)签了字。
两家公司同时将进一步优化工艺,支持研发削减能耗。STSIC表达了其对合作企业的满意,对结果也很满意。而centrotherm SiTec在技术上也占有一定优势。
The first expansion step is arranged for annual capacity of around 1,250 tonnes of polysilicon to semiconductor quality. centrotherm SiTec prepared the factory concept, developed the process flow, accompanied the project through the planning and implementation stages, delivered the key equipment (reactors and converters), and started up the system together with the customer. centrotherm photovoltaics and STSIC are working hard together on the current commissioning of the second expansion step at STSIC, which entails state-of-the-art 24-pair reactor technology, and offers planned annual production of 3,000 tonnes to semiconductor quality.
Along with polysilicon production, STSIC is focusing on technology and systems from centrotherm to manufacture ingots and solar cells. Favorable production costs can be achieved by relying on this integrated solar value chain. STSIC achieved "First Ingot Out" with a centrotherm multi-crystalline ingot furnace in the middle of this year. Furthermore, two solar cell production lines with a total of 60 MW annual capacity are currently being commissioned.
For centrotherm, STSIC is an important solar market player that focuses on integration along the solar value chain to achieve optimally coordinated manufacturing processes that offer both lower operating costs and outstanding quality.
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